Welcome to Thistle & Bloom Storycraft

Are you ready to share your story and need a little help? 

Whether you want to share your personal story, a self-help nonfiction, or a work of fiction, Thistle & Bloom Storycraft has an online course and personalized coaching to help help make your dream a reality. 

Check out our online course — StoryCraft for Authors — launching in January 2021.

What's in a Name?

Like thistles, known mostly for its thorns, every story - however painful - has a bloom worth sharing. In fact, some of the most impactful stories are born from the most painful experiences. We're committed to helping you share your story in the most impactful way - from blank page to bookshelf.

Online Course

Young or old, experienced or novice, all writers can learn to craft a story that readers will want to read. This course will teach you how to turn your idea into a ready-to-publish manuscript. Then we'll teach you to turn your manuscript into a bestseller you'll be proud to see on the bookstore shelf.


To supplement the online course, our individual and group coaching calls will provide the focus, direction and motivation you need. The course will teach you what to do; your coach will help ensure you get it all done on schedule to achieve the goals you've set for your book project.